The Plans

Click to view original ground plan and landscaping changes

*platform used initially for a wormery to stand on but it was too hot a spot – so moved wormery into the native woodland garden and replaced here with a potted collection of succulents


July: Move to a new abode with fully overgrown back garden. The raised lawn had gone to grass, and there was a weed-choked rockery slope, and broken down greenhouse. Willow trees blocked views to the west whilst the south side woodland was impenetrable. In short, a plot with plenty of effort required, but a blank canvas to build a Japanesque Garden with Woodland Garden beyond.

In September, after settling in, the first priority was to cut the willow trees and layer into a boundary hedge, as well as chop down a blue cypress [Three steps Forward]. Having sheared the long grass to a walkable level, the greenhouse was rescued from the clutches of an overgrown elder tree. A paved platform had to be built for it before all glass was removed, jet washed and restored. Several broken panes needed replacing.[Breaking Glass]

November: The garden sloped steeply off either side of the rockery, making access hazardous. Wooden steps were constructed on the North side [Stepping Down] along with a wooden platform adjacent to the willow hedge boundary, to fill a cavernous incline.*

The early onset of winter was a good time to tackle the rockery slope, uprooting dense weeds and creating two terraces. This revealed a selection of rocks for a future cascade, as well as some to use for steps between the terraces [Rocking Up].


March: I decided to create some access into the woodland which needed to be disentangled from ivy with a path in the clearing defined and levelled. This was continued further into the trees with steps cut into the downhill slope. [The Way Through The Woods].

April: Early in the month, the weather had improved enough for more building work and so paving slab steps were built on the South side, thus completing a footpath all round the garden [Steps and Stones].

May: A paved path was laid all along the east boundary hedge whilst a prefabricated Marsh garden was established adjacent to wooden platform and willow hedge [Of boundaries and bogs].

July: Over the summer, at the base of the newly built cascade, a large pond was dug and lined and a small containerised pond was put in place above to act as feeder [Pontificating on Ponds].

September: No Japanesque garden is complete without a teahouse, and serious work was begun on the gazebo styled timber building [An unveiling].

November: Before the winter set in by late November, the old lawn was grubbed up in readiness for a gravelled area, and a paved platform for Qigong practice was put in place there. Work on the teahouse roof was begun before rain stopped progress.


February: Triangulating the perimeter of the planned gravel garden, three shrubbery beds were dug and the whole area skimmed of top soil and levelled in readiness for the gravel topping [Eyes on the Spring]. Wintry weather set in by March and delayed further plans.

March : At the end of the month, building began on the two terraced vegetable beds- the top one with a stone wall that continues on from the rockery. The lower one with gravel boards and posts. (see two up and down)

Also further work on the structure of the Teahouse including gable ends, front post and cross beam, plus overhang beams for the roof.

May: Making and putting in the bargeboards prior to constructing both halves of the Teahouse roof with treated lapboards and lifting them in place (see raising the roof)

July: Capping off the Teahouse roof. Focused on lifting some of the cascade stone and mortaring the gaps. Putting in place rudimentary plumbing for various trial and error runs of the water from small top feed pond to lower pond. Still work to to do here as there is still leakage when the cascade runs

September: Put the finishing touches to the raised Japanesque garden with stepping stones set in gravel from access steps to a newly created sedum bed besides the “Far Sight” shrubbery bed. Far easier said than done but worth the wait. [Gravelling the Ground]


April: Removing old, full-size side gate to the garden and replacing with half-gate so that the garden can be glimpsed. The other half of the new gate to close off the woodland garden from its surrounds.
Cut and tidied up all the brickwork beneath the stone edging of the lower pond. Also put in electronics and wiring for the cascade so that the levels are monitored and remain constant. Erected solar panels to drive a 12 V battery.